Minimum Wage - SeaTac

$20.17 per hour
$16.66 per hour

* Examples thay may assist in determining whether the ordinance may apply to your business include (see other examples):
  • 485999 All Other Transit and Ground Passenger Transportation,
  • 532111 Passenger Car Rental,
  • 561720 Janitorial Services,
  • 721110 Hotels and Motels, and more.

The list is not all-inclusive and the applicability of these NAICS Codes is also based upon other elements of the ordinance such as number of employees, rooms, location of services, and other factors. Please verify the information through consultation with your legal and/or financial advisors.

NOTE: This web page contains information from other state and local agencies. For additional information please visit the City of SeaTac website.

Last updated: 1/7/2025


Important! ORIA provides this information about minimum wage in the State of Washington as an educational resource. Although the website hosts this information, it does not, and is not intended to, constitute legal, business, or regulatory advice. Instead, all information, content, and materials available on this site are for general informational purposes only. Although we strive to ensure accurate information, the information on this website may not contain the most up-to-date information.