YES - Register your business with the Secretary of State as a legal structure, such as:
- Limited Liability Company (LLC)
- Profit Corporation
- Nonprofit Corporation
- Limited Partnership
Once you register...
The Secretary of State will
issue a Unified Business Identifier (UBI)
number and send you formation documents. Use the same name and UBI number when dealing with all agencies.
How long does it take to process?
- 2 business days if done online.
- 14 business days if done by mail.
For help, contact the Corporations Division at:
phone: (360) 725-0377
Things to consider...
Bylaws if you are a corporation.
Operating Agreement if you are an LLC.
Governing person information such as officers for corporations and members/managers for LLCs.
If you want to be an S-corp, complete the steps for a profit corporation or LLC with the Secretary of
State, then
contact IRS for S-corp tax designation. For details, see Start chapter of
Washington's Small Business Guide
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